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Order Information

Order Number 5e9507
Order Date 2015-08-09
Product Status Confirmed By Shopper
Last Update 2015-08-09
Shipment -
Comment Duis odio lectus, elementum finibus orci dapibus, fringilla finibus magna.
Payment Paypal
Total $346.00

Bill To

Company Name Company Name
Title Mr.
First Name John
Last Name Doe
Address 1 9863 - 9867 Mill Road
ZIP/Postal code 12345
City London
Country Great Britain
State -
Phone (012) 345-6789

Ship To

Company Name Company Name
First Name John
Last Name Doe
Address 1 9863 - 9867 Mill Road
ZIP/Postal code 12345
City London
Country Great Britain
State -
Phone (012) 345-6789
SKU Product Name Product Status Price Qty Tax Discount Total

Endrerit sit amet, tincidunt ac

Color : Black, Size : M
Confirmed By Shopper $45 1 $0.99 $0.00 $75

Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet

Color : Red, Size : L
Confirmed By Shopper $59.00 1 $1.23 $0.00 $59.00

Convictum estem cresciam

Color : Black, Size : M
Confirmed By Shopper $88.00 1 $0.99 $0.00 $88.00

Nunc brevis estiam redum

Color : Red, Size : L
Confirmed By Shopper $124.00 1 $1.23 $0.00 $124.00
Total Products: $346.00
Total Shipping: $4.00
Total (tax excl.): $342.00
Total Tax: $4.99
Total: $346.00

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