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The LIP BLED Group is the largest exporter among the Slovene wood-processing companies. More than three-quarters of our products are sold on the highly competitive and demanding western and central European markets.

Our production processes meet the latest technological standards and we have been successfully operating on the German market for over 50 years. This has helped us develop products which give full weight to the needs of our customers and the environment. In using customer- and environmentally-friendly materials, we support sustainable production, for which we have received the coveted PEFC certificate. The materials we use are regularly tested by renowned Slovene and international institutes. Our successful business operation is also attested by our AA credit rating of excellence.

The LIP BLED Group consists of:

  • LIP BLED, d.o.o.: production and sale of interior doors (one of the 20 largest European producers of interior doors);
  • LIP Bohinj, d.o.o.: production and sale of formwork panels used in the construction industry (one of the 4 largest European producers of formwork panels).
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Poslanstvo podjetja je dvigniti nivo zadovoljstva in kulture bivanja kupca.

Značilnost naših izdelkov in storitev bo tudi v prihodnje najvišja možna raven kakovosti v najširšem smislu. Pri tem bomo upoštevali želje kupcev po najvišji kvaliteti izdelkov, dobavljenih ob pravem času in po konkurenčni ceni.

Vsi zaposleni v podjetju LIP BLED d.o.o. bomo s poštenim odnosom, iniciativnostjo, marljivostjo in vso odgovornostjo zagotavljali uresničitev slogana "Pesem gozda v vašem domu", tako v podjetju, kot pri kupcih.

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    - GZS - Srebrna nagrada za naj inovacijo Gorenjske
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    - Zlata vez - prva nagrada na Ljubljanskem pohištvenem sejmu 2002
Prodajni program obsega glavne skupine izdelkov:
- notranja VRATA
- vhodna VRATA
- OKNA in balkonska vrata
- POHIŠTVO iz masivnega lesa
- OPAŽNE PLOŠČE za gradbeništvo in nosilci
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