HomeShop - Responsive Multipurpose VirtueMart Template

Thanks for having purchased HomeShop - Responsive Multipurpose VirtueMart Template, now it's time to get your fingers a little dirty and start configurate your theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to contact us via our Support Ticket. Thanks so much!

Quickstart Installation

If you're not familiar with Joomla we recommended you use the quickstart package.

Quickstart package

A quickstart is basically a brand new installation of Joomla with custom options. When you install this package you'll get a site that looks exactly like the demo and has all extensions already installed and configured. Installing Quickstart package is like install normal joomla!.

Virtuemart v3

VirtueMart comes with some sample data. One of the best ways to get a quick start on using VirtueMart is to set up a development site with the sample data, and start modifying it. In the process of making changes you will learn how to maneuver through the admin, and set up shop. In addition to installation, we'll cover:

  • An overview of the default setup
  • Using the Administration section
  • Modifying the store front
  • Modifying the standard currency
  • Modifying product prices and display
  • Enabling PayPal as the payment method
  • Enabling basic shipping methods

VirtueMart is full of details and options. This will give you a good foundation of skills you need. Since VM 3.0 is so new, there are still many features that need to be developed, and will be available in the coming months. If you learn these basics you'll be able to take advantage of the full power of VM 3.0 as it's released.

MY PERSONAL NOTICE! I don't advice to install the new VM versions. Usually we are testing it on our test server and after provide official update on Themeforest site

This is just example how to install the new VM version. Images are symbolic

Step 1. ACTION: Download, uncompress

To find this version from go to Downloads > other downloads or go directly to this URL

Be sure to download the newest version which is at the bottom of the list. They are alphabetical so the order is determined by the last letter in the version name. If there is a newer version when you read this, it will be there. If 2.0 is officially released you will be able to download it from the main URL

You can find extensions on the the Virtuemart site

Notice in the name of the VirtueMart download that it says _extract_first - after you download it you will need to uncompress the file on your local computer or your server. You will see two more zipped directories.

After you uncompress the original file, upload and install

Repeat the procedure for com_virtuemart_ext_aio,

The first one is the Virtuemart shopping cart itself, the second is a bundle of extensions and modules to enhance it. The aio in the name stands for All In One Installer (AIO).

Step 2. ACTION: Install

Go to Extensions > Extension Manager > Browse for the file > Click Upload & Install

When you get to the confirmation page, it will ask if you want to install Sample Data. Install the Sample Data.

Repeat the process and upload the AIO

2a. RESULT: The installed modules

You will see these modules automatically installed and enabled in your Modules Manager.

2b. RESULT: The installed plugins

These plug-ins will be automatically installed and enabled. You don't have to go to the Module Manager unless you want to change the position of a module, configure it or disable it. You don't need to visit the plug-in manager unless you need to disable it. There are no configurable parameters for any of the plug-ins.

Step 3. ACTION: Create a Menu Item

Go to Menus > Main Menu > Add New Menu Item.

Your front page will show you a warning that you must create a menu item before the cart will be accessible. So do this first.

3a. CONFIGURE: Name and Select

  1. Give it a Title (Like Store or Shop. I'm going to use Virtue Mart Storefront)
  2. Click Select

3b. CONFIGURE: Complete Selection

Under Virtue Mart click VirtueMart Default Layout.

You could pick Categories Layout or Category Layout if it suits you or you are creating a specific link. The default layout will create a "Store Front".

3c. RESULT: The store front with sample data installed.


To View the store go to your home page and click the menu link you just created.

You will notice that all the modules that were installed now show on the site. You can modify and configure these in the Module Manager.

  • VM - Shopping cart is closed
  • VM - Best Sales is closed
  • VM - Search in Shop is closed
  • VM - Featured products is closed
  • VM - Currencies Selector is closed
  • VM - Manufacturer is closed
  • VM - Category

The page divisions show products and create sections on the store front.

  1. Store Description
  2. Categories
  3. Featured Products
  4. Latest Products (empty until you add your own)
  5. Top Ten Products

Step 4. ACTION: Start modifyng the company information


Go to Components > Virtuemart
Click on Shop - You can use the shop icon or click Shop from the menu. Both will work.

Step 5. CONFIGURE: Modify Vendor Information


Change the shop name and company name to yours.
Set the default currency and modify the list of accepted currencies.

The default will be set to Euros. To change the default currency, select a different one from the drop down menu.

Step 6. CONFIGURE: Modify the base currency and other accepted currencies


Use the dropdown to change the base currency.

I've changed the default currency to United States dollar, now all the prices will show with a dollar sign in the cart.

One of the modules you uploaded was a currency chooser. The user, while viewing the store, can use it to switch to any other currency you've approved. If you want to add or delete any other currencies use the List of accepted currencies field.

6a. CONFIGURE: Choose other currencies


Place the cursor in the field and a selection menu will appear. You can click the x next to the ones that were added by default to delete them, or add one by clicking on the list selection.

6b. RESULT: Your currency section should like this


For the currency selector to work, you will need to add the base currency to the list of accepted currencies. If you don't the currency selector on the front end won't show the option for the customer.

If you only are going to use one type, you can leave the List of accepted currencies field blank, and just set the main currency.

Step 7. ACTION: Change the logo image

  1. Scroll down to the Image Information Panel
  2. Change the name and details. ( You could un check Published if you aren't going to use a graphic)
  3. Check the proper radio button. Nothing will change if you don't choose. This is confusing because of the placement of the labels. Pick the right one.
  4. Browse your computer for the file to upload
  5. Return to the top of the page and click Save to complete the action

7a. REPEAT: For thumbnail


I found I had to repeat this step to generate and replace the thumbnail.

Step 8. CONFIGURE: Change the Vendor Additional Information

  1. Switch to the Additional Information tab
  2. Fill in the required fields
  3. Click Save at the top of the page

The fields indicated with an asterisk and a blue background must be filled in or you will not be able to save your changes. If you were starting the store from scratch instead of using sample data, all these fields would be empty and you would need to make this the first task on your list before you could change anything on the other tabs.

Step 9. ACTION: Enable Payment Methods


On the VirtuMart Menu go to Shop > Payment Methods.

When you get there you will see a mostly blank page.

9b. CONFIGURE: Add new


Click New.

9c. CONFIGURE: Choose method

  1. Go to the Payment Method Information tab
  2. Click Yes to Publish
  3. Fill in a Payment Name ( it won't save unless you do this)
  4. Choose the payment method VM - Payment, Standard
  5. Click Save at the top of the page

REPEAT: If you are going to use PayPal in addition to VM - Payment, Standard, repeat this step and choose Paypal this time.

At this time there are only two payment methods available for VM2.0 We expect to see many more in the near future. You can get some plug-ins now from the JED for specific gateways, and several are on the road map for the VirtueMart development project, but no set release times. Eventually there will be many choices for you here.

Step 10. ACTION: Publish the payment methods


Now that they are enabled you will see them on the Payment Method List.

  1. Make sure you have published the ones you want.
  2. Click VM Payment Paypal. Click the Payment name, or select the box and use the edit icon at the top.

10a. CONFIGURATION: Switch tabs


Choose the Configuration tab.

Edit the Parameters.

Be sure to save.

If you are going to use Payment Method logos, you will need to create folder using the Media Manager, or FTP, in this location

Step 11. ACTION: Enable the shipping methods

  1. On the VirtueMart menu go to Shop > Shipping Methods
  2. Click on New

You will see another blank page similar to the one for payment methods. The procedure for adding shipping is similar to adding payment methods.

11a. CONFIGURE: Choose method

  1. Go to the Shipping Method Information tab
  2. Click Yes to Publish
  3. Add a Shipping Name
  4. Choose the method from the dropdown list
  5. Save your changes

There is only one shipping method at this time More are in the works.

11b. CONFIGURE: Configure the shipper

  1. Go to the Configuration tab
  2. Add the parameters

If you are going to use a logo, you will first need to create the folder for the img at:

The next item you could configure at this stage would be taxes.That's a big topic and deserves its own tutorial. There are sample tax structures set up now which we can use for the rest of the tutorial. We've adjusted and enabled all the basics, now let's get on to what most people want to do first. Change the way things look.

Step 12. ACTION: Modify the products


When you look at the short listing on the shopfront, you notice right away that there is an incredibly confusing array of prices. We need to fix that. So let's go to Pricing tab in the Configuration section.

12a. CONFIGURE: Enable and disable unwanted prices


Click Pricing and you will see check boxes for showing or not showing the prices. Un check the ones you don't want to show. The Show Column controls the actual numbers. The Show Label column controls the label like "Salesprice without tax".

12c. RESULT: The modified products on the shopfront


Here are the same products with the both columns checked next to "Final salesprice" and everything else unchecked.

How to add new Custom HTML modules to your template

Some templates may contain the custom HTML modules that should be installed manually.

Please, enter Joomla! administration panel, and go to the SiteGlobal Configuration. Find the option "Default Editor" and select "No Editor". Default Joomla! WYSIWYG editors may modify the custom HTML module's code and cause you some issues.

Category & Product Page Layout Variations

Tips and Tricks

IMPORTANT!!! Please do not update the template, components, modules and plugins by yourself. There is no bugs in this product. Nevertheless, I recommend you to wait when we update it. Moreover, we will describe in details what exactly is changed, what is better and how to change it. If you really want to update without our assistance, then make the components backup obligatory com_akeeba-3.7.4-core or with other tools.

In this store the multilanguage is installed (incl. German, French and Italian). However, the template uses a default English language. Nevertheless, you have an opportunity to choose your own language and redefine the modules, articles and themes on your language. As you know, the demo version supports several languages. If you install another language which is not included in the list then it will not be displayed. You will need to resave the demo products, categories and delivery methods on that language on which you have installed. In addition, you need to understand that it mostly concerns the Shopping Cart module. If you install it and then adjust the new language, add this language to the Shopping Cart module, rename all the constants, then it is needed to be reinstalled in order to make them work and display properly on your website. This concerns other components and modules.

Template Customization. In the template you will find less, css, retina fonts. The less files are intended only for the less code. If you are not familiar with the less code then I recommend you to code in the css files. All the needed styles for the customization are placed in the custom.css and custom-responsive.css files. Also, you can input some settings via the Template Manager admin panel: Styles\t3_bs3_blank - Default\thememagic (see the screenshots below). But you need to save your own settings before you create a new theme. Our template uses a default theme. In future we are planning to add new theme skins. After you save the theme, you need to indicate in the appearence style this theme. If you read the Framework documentation then everything will be understandable for you. This framework is very flexible and allows to make much.

Here is a short course on how to customize the template. Important things:

In the next updates all the fixes and solutions will be inserted in docs.

If you have any questions concerning the customizations or you find a bug or you just think that something should be better, then please contact us via the Support Ticket. It will be easier and quicker to help you. Thank you!


Custom solutions and FAQ

I collected many-many custom solutions and custom code for our VM items

Take around here:



There are many language packages available for Joomla but the template has some custom strings of text. Don't worry though, translation is really simple. All language strings are stored in the language/xx-XX folder, where x is the language key (e.g. en-GB for english and es-ES for spanish). You need to copy en-GB.tpl_t3_bs3_blank.ini to your language folder and change the language code in the name. Then open it with any text editor and translate the few phrases/words in the "frontend strings" section.

PSD Files

You can find the well-organized PSD files in the PSD folder. Make sure you save the images in the correct format. They are either pngs or jpgs.

Sources and Credits

I've used the following scripts:



This chapter is for people who had bought the theme before we made the updates. It will help them to update their current theme.

Update 1.1

Version 1.1 - for buyers who have version 1.0 (bought it between October 16th - November 3th, 2015) and want to update their website to version 1.1

IMPORTANT! Make a backup before the update!

Version 1.1
1.Update Joomla_3.4.5
2.Update com_virtuemart.
3.Fixed SEF link for quickview, compare and wishlist
4.Added Genius Search mod_genius_vm_ajax_search_vm3
5.Fixed link Add to cart on popup
6.Update plg_system_t3.v2.5.1
7.Added mod_isotopemart_v1.0.0
8.Fixed quickview


What should you do to update




updates\update1.1\ and adjust it as module. Choose position VM Search



updates\update1.1\ and adjust it


It was fixed some styles and added edits.less

custom.css - here you can add your custom styles.
edits.css - here we will add our new updated stylesт

Now you have to reupload


Update 1.2

Version 1.2 - for buyers who have version 1.1 (bought it between November 3th - November 18th, 2015) and want to update their website to version 1.2

IMPORTANT! Make a backup before the update!

Version 1.2
1.Update com_virtuemart.3.0.12_extract_first

2.Fixed Acymailing script


What should you do to update

1.Reinstall \updates\update1.2\com_virtuemart.3.0.12_extract_first\

2.Replace \VM3_Homeshop_theme_Joomla3\\templates\t3_bs3_blank\html\mod_acymailing\default.php




Update 1.3

Version 1.3 - for buyers who have version 1.2 (bought it between November 18th - January 20th, 2015) and want to update their website to version 1.3

IMPORTANT! Make a backup before the update!

Version 1.3


What should you do to update

If you already use the template you can skip this update

Update 1.4

Version 1.4 - for buyers who have version 1.3 (bought it between January 20th - January 24th, 2015) and want to update their website to version 1.4

IMPORTANT! Make a backup before the update!

Version 1.4
1..Fixed Acymailing script


What should you do to update

1.Install updates\update1.4\

2.Replace \VM3_Homeshop_theme_Joomla3\\templates\t3_bs3_blank\html\mod_acymailing\

3. Adjust it again





Update 1.5

Version 1.5 - for buyers who have version 1.4 (bought it between January 24th - March 29th, 2016) and want to update their website to version 1.5

IMPORTANT! Make a backup before the update!

Version 1.5
1. Update VM 3.0.14
2. Update Joomla 3.5
3. Update JMS Multiuploader
4. Update param filter plugin
5. Update acymailing
6. Update Facebbok module
7. Update theme for Rupostel OPC
8. Added options for switch on/off and color's preloader


What should you do to update

1. Install

2. Update Joomla via admin panel or \updates\update1.5\

3. Install \updates\update1.5\

4. Install \updates\update1.5\

5. Install \updates\update1.5\

6. Install \updates\update1.5\

7. Replace files from \updates\update1.5\components\

8. Replace

Update 1.6

Version 1.6 - for buyers who have version 1.5 (bought it between March 29th, 2016 - January 28th, 2017) and want to update their website to version 1.6

IMPORTANT! Make a backup before the update!

Version 1.6
1.Update VM
2.Update Joomla 3.6.5
3.Update Acymailing
4.Added new google map
5.Fixed recaptcha
6.Changed login form on Checkout
7.Fixed vendor


What should you do to update

1. Install

2. Update Joomla using admin panel or \updates\update1.6\

3. Update Acymailing using admin panel

4. Install new plugin \updates\update1.6\map output it at old map position. Add to old map module tag {mosmap}




When you create menu button with VM category you have to choose product-horizont and Save it

Update 1.7

Version 1.7 - for buyers who have version 1.6 (bought it between January 28th, 2017 - June 30th, 2017) and want to update their website to version 1.7

IMPORTANT! Make a backup before the update!

Version 1.7
1. Update VM 3.2.3
2. Update Joomla 3.7.2
3. Fixed cookies module
4. Fixed Ask a question popup
5. Added One Page Checkout
6. Changed Cart module for OPC
7. Fixed category page
8. Update Т3 framework
9. Output category modules to MegaMenu
10. Update acymailing 5.7 , K2_v2.7.1 , unite_slider4.8.1


What should you do to update


2.Update Joomla using admin panel or install



and switch on plugin



7. Reupload

After open plugin System - JS CSS Control and remove excerption /components/com_virtuemart/assets/js/vmprices.js
In the end you have to see only string jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js



Small image of output

10.Install all extensions from \updates\update1.7

Update 1.8

Version 1.8 - for buyers who have version 1.7 (bought it between June 30th, 2017 - September 23th, 2017) and want to update their website to version 1.8

IMPORTANT! Make a backup before the update!

Version 1.8
1. Update OPC virtuemart-onepage-checkout-2-2-34
2. Fixed Products module
3. Update Joomla 3.8
4. Update VM 3.2.4
5. Update Revslider 5.0.8
6. Update com_acymailing starter_v5.8.0
7. Update jms_multiupload_vm3_v1.4
8. Fixed Cart module
9. Fixed Continue Shopping button
10. Added Optimization plugin
11. Fixed Quick view plugin

NOTICE! After fullpackage installation switch on plugins System - JCH Optimize and System - Page Cache


What should you do to update

1. Update all from \updates\update1.8\

2. Re-upload

6. Re-upload

8. Re-upload

9. Re-upload

11. Re-upload

NOTICE! After fullpackage installation switch on plugins System - JCH Optimize and System - Page Cache

Update 1.8.1

Version 1.8.1 - for buyers who have version 1.8 (bought it between September 23th, 2017 - October 4th, 2017) and want to update their website to version 1.8.1

IMPORTANT! Make a backup before the update!

Version 1.8.1
1. Fixed ThemeMagic
2. Update T3 framework


What should you do to update

1. Reupload files from

2. Install

Update 1.9

Version 1.9 - for buyers who have version 1.9 (bought it between October 4th, 2017 - December 30th, 2017) and want to update their website to version 1.9

IMPORTANT! Make a backup before the update!

Version 1.9
1. Fixed search for php7
2. Update VM 3.2.12
3. update Joomla 3.8.3
4. Update OPC plugin 2.2.47
5. Update acymailing 5.8.1
6. Fixed error in mod_acymailing.php (acymailing_loadMootools())
7. Fixed plugin and cart module for multi-languages
8. Fixed tabs module and random products


What should you do to update

1. Reupload files from

2. Install everything from

3. Update joomla using admin panel

Update 2.0

Version 2.0 - for buyers who have version 1.9 (bought it between December 30th, 2017 - June 13th, 2018) and want to update their website to version 2.0

IMPORTANT! Make a backup before the update!

Version 2.0
1. Update VM 3.2.14
2. Update 3.8.8
3. Update One Page Checkout 2.2.53
4. Update AcyMayling 5.10.1
5. Update unite_slider5.0.14


What should you do to update

1. Reupload files from

2. Install everything from

3. Update joomla using admin panel

Update 2.1

Version 2.1 - for buyers who have version 2.0 (bought it between June 13th, 2018 - November 5th, 2018) and want to update their website to version 2.1

IMPORTANT! Make a backup before the update!

Version 2.1
1. Update VM 3.2.14
2. Update 3.8.8
3. Update One Page Checkout 2.2.53
4. Update AcyMayling 5.10.1
5. Update unite_slider5.0.14
6. Fixed ajax script for multivariants


What should you do to update

1. Install everything from

2. Update joomla using admin panel

4. New useful information about new VM

Update 2.2

Version 2.2 - for buyers who have version 2.1 (bought it between November 5th, 2018 - March 2nd, 2019) and want to update their website to version 2.2

IMPORTANT! Make a backup before the update!

Version 2.2
1. Update VM
2. Update Joomla 3.9.3
3. Update plg_jch_optimize_5.4.1
4. Update plg_system_jqueryeasy_v222
5. Update plg_system_t3.v2.7.4
6. Update unite_slider5.0.16


What should you do to update

1. Install everything from

3. Update joomla using admin panel

4. New useful information about new VM

Update 2.3

Version 2.3 - for buyers who have version 2.2 (bought it between March 2nd, 2019 - June 24th, 2019) and want to update their website to version 2.3

IMPORTANT! Make a backup before the update!

Version 2.3
1. Updated joomla 3.9.8
2. Updated com_virtuemart.3.4.5
3. Updated plg_jch_optimize_5.4.2
4. Updated plg_system_jqueryeasy
5. Updated plg_system_t3.v2.7.4
6. Updated com_sppagebuilder_pro_v3.5.0
7. Some responsive issues


What should you do to update

1. Install everything from

3. Update joomla using admin panel

3. Reupload file from VM3_Homeshop_theme_Joomla3\\templates\t3_blank\css\edit.css and off-canvas.css