Content Options
On this section you decide which type and what content do you wanna set into your custom Popup.
Now, are available 10 Predefined Categories that should cover all the particular desires
Help you to add any type of HTML content into your Popup.
This features it cames with the most used HTML Editor, CKEditor in full version.
The HTML Content can be built directly into this editor or copied from outside. The CKEditor provides the most used options.
Besides the regular options, for special situations can be used:
- Source button - use this option to add or manage the HTML source code directly.
- Google Maps button - use this option to add a simple Google Map
- YouTube button - use this option to add a simple YouTube Video
- Form Builder section - use this section to build and create Forms with the main fields
The right-click feature to access the main settings is available, also.
Some Shortcodes may be add on this section but some of them may require additional JS elements. For those cases, use the "ShortCode" option.
The HTML Content may not look exactly as will show on the front-end side
Help you to add and manage an OptIn Popup build for subscription.
Select the "Subscribe Type" to decide which special Email Marketing Platform should interact with the OptIn Popup.
"Error Message" is the message that will show up if the form is not completed properly.
For a proper Opt-In form use the main particular feature:
- Source button - use this option to add or manage the HTML source code directly.
- Form Builder section - use this section to build and create Forms with the main fields
To build a custom form you need to:
- Add a "Form" object setting just the name of the Form
- Add form fields and objects inside the form object (red lines)
- To add an Email filed, add a "Text Field" object, choose the type to: "Email" and add the name of the field: "email"
- Add a "Button" object with Type: "Submit".
Important: Be sure that you have the Email Marketing properly set from "Opt-In Settings"
This section help you to add any ShortCode to be show up as a Popup.
This feature is possible only using an additional trick, a Pending Page dedicated for this feature. A page with status "Pending" and Title "isp_page_XX" it will be created. Don't Delete this page!
Any page, even an external one can be added to show into the Popup. Be sure that you set the properly Popup Size for a perfect show up.
A YouTube Video can be add to show up as a Popup. Just add the URL or Video ID and play with additional features to fits with your desires.
Image Slider
You can build your Custom Slider with multiple features.
The most main options can be set to provide the right sliders.
"+Slide" - button to add Slides into the Slider.
The "CSS3 Transition" may not work on additional or old browsers.
FaceBook LikeBox
Add a Facebook Likebox can be added to improve the interaction on your website with Social Media.
To cover the entire Popup box, be sure that the LikeBox has the same Dimension as Popup.
Important: Because the LikeBox is showing up based on some JS scripts accessed directly from FaceBook that are loads when the Page is loaded, the LikeBox may not showing properly with some "Open Effects" from "Event Handler" section.
Important:The LikeBox make not work properly if other JS scripts from FaceBook are loaded on the same page.
Google Maps
On this section hel you to add a full Google Map into the Popup
"Coordinates" - can be get from by clicking on a desired location.
Many other additional features may be set, like Maker Label and so on.
Content ID
This Option can be used very well to show into the Popup any content from the current page, directly into the Popup. This feature can be understand as a "zoom" feature.
Important: - the content is localized by an ID set on the tab that contain the desired content. Be sure that the content ID is set into the current page.
A Post/Page
Automatically can be set any page/Post from your WP to show up on Popup.
Be sure that you add the proper Popup Dimension.